

Rx Post Doc
Feb 8, 2005
Dear Rx Members,

I like to spend much of my time perusing the very old archived Rubber Room threads (can also be spelled with the letters m,y,l,i,f,e,s,u,c,k & s not necessarily in that order) and I see an anger and vitriol there that is not very present in today's RR. This is a better world here than the ages previous. It's like visiting Dodge City, Kansas today. Nice city, clean streets and very little mayhem. Not like the old days... Today, the RR many times is just an off topic forum. A place for humor and nudie pics.

What will other people in the future think when they read our threads that we have posted today? Will they find peace in our sensibility? Will they say to themselves, "Thus the world turned a better, gentler face to the universe in that were kind to men....women were kind to were kind to women....women were kind to men. Men asked about floor coverings and talked about other men's inability to post pictures in their threads, all with a smile and a wink. No feelings hurt that golden age."

Is that what our legacy will be? As a fine rug-maker that weaves an imperfection into an otherwise perfect creation, I want to weave into this Rubber Room an imperfection to which all these other threads can be favorably compared and which can illuminate just how wonderful the other Rubber Room posts are (The sun never shown so brightly nor the sky gazed so blue, but beside the dark storm clouds each a paradise viewed. tulsa, circa 2005)

With that said, here is my offering for posterity:

You are all a bunch of troublesome morons and...well, really that's it. You're troublesome. You're morons.

NOW LET THE LAMP of knowledge in the future show what levels to which we could stoop if we really wanted to, by golly!! We are not timid! We do not go quietly into the night! We are nice because WE WANT TO BE NICE, not because we are weak and afraid or fearful of bothering anyone!!

In conclusion, I must say that I don't really think any of you are morons and I don't find many of you troublesome. The ones I find troublesome are only mildly so and I have no hard feelings toward any of you. tulsa

Rx Post Doc
Feb 8, 2005
Coast, the only joint I'm smoking is the joint of enlightenment! The joint of reason! The joint, anyone up for an all-you-can-eat buffet?...I could eat a freak'n HORSE!!! Hmmmmm, horse. Equine so fine. tulsa

Rx Post Doc
Feb 8, 2005
The Shrink's Post made me think of this post of mine and I enjoyed myself so much that I want to bump it back up to the top since I am an attention 'harlot.'

By the way, the MC thread and the JFS threads have put the vitriol back into our peaceful little Rubber Room. tulsa

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